Friday Thoughts

A Quiet Rainy Morning

I’m in a somewhat reflective mood this morning, so I wanted to take a few minutes to jot down a few of the things going through my head.

After the kids were off to school, the dogs were fed, and the house quieted down I sat down at the computer to review the August financials.  Next Tuesday I will have a post up with the latest updates.

To be completely honest, I sorta got distracted from that when my phone popped up a notification from Google photos with suggestions to go back and look at last year.  I ended up in the gallery from our AT backpacking trip this summer (which wasn’t last year… again, distracted) and though about how I still want to get a post up about that trip.  I may have to break it down into a series.


The other thing I’m working on this morning is learning about Bullet Journals.  I saw a friend mention this in a FB post the other day and I decided to check it out.  I’m not always the most organized person (please don’t look at my desk) so if I can develop some new habits it can only be positive.

The West coast will be coming online soon and I will need to dive into my day job.  I realized that I haven’t meditated since sometime in June.  I need to get back to that.  Having some minutes of quiet reflective time during the day is extremely helpful considering the current frenetic pace of life.

With that in mind, I’ll leave you with about 20 seconds of peacefulness.  This is from one of the watering spots on the Appalachian Trail in North Carolina.  I have fond memories of the cool clean water that comes out of the mountains.



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